Thursday, January 17, 2008

Sun buys MySQL

Sun announced yesterday that it was going to buy MySQL, the most popular open source database.
What does this mean to both Sun and MySQL. Yahoo biz says that

With millions of global deployments including Facebook, Google, Nokia, Baidu and China Mobile, MySQL will bring synergies to Sun that will change the landscape of the software industry by driving new adoption of MySQL's open source database in more traditional applications and enterprises. The integration with Sun will greatly extend the commercial appeal of MySQL's offerings and improve its value proposition with the addition of Sun's global services organization. MySQL will also gain new distribution through Sun's channels including its OEM relationships with Intel, IBM and Dell.

Read on more here

Monday, January 14, 2008

Java Persistence and EJB3 -from EJB Spec Lead

EJB spec lead Linda DeMichiel covers the key aspects of the Java Persistence API including use of the EntityManager API, persistence units & persistence contexts, queries, ORM, etc at QCon organized by infoq.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Top Adobe Flex misconceptions

In a QCon conference with InfoQ,James Ward has dispelled major misconceptions about Adobe Flex technology. Find this interesting article here.

GridRepublic : Using unused CPU cycles for a good cause

GridRepublic members run a screensaver that allows their computers to work on public-interest research projects when the machines are not otherwise in use. This screensaver does not affect performance of the host computer any more than an ordinary screensaver does.
You can know more about GridRepublic and join the program here

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Unit testing JSF

Unit testing JSF based web applications has been considered difficult because of the constraints of testing JSF components outside the container. Most of the web-tier testing frameworks follow black-box testing approach where developers write test classes using the web components to verify the rendered HTML output is what is expected. Frameworks such as HtmlUnit, HttpUnit, Canoo WebTest, and Selenium fall into this category. The limitation of these frameworks is that they only test the client side of a web application.

But this trend is changing with the recently released JSFUnit and other JSF testing frameworks such as Shale Test and JSF Extensions that support white-box testing to test both client and server components of the web application. And projects like Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) and JXInsight are also helping in the development and testing of JSF applications.

Read on more at JSF Unit Testing Tools

Friday, January 4, 2008

James Gosling on JavaFX

Redmond Developer News has published an interview with James Gosling where in James discussed about JavaFX which is Sun's answer to Adobe Flash/Flex and Microsoft's Silverlight technologies.
Read the interview here.